Monday, March 28, 2011

Drumroll, please....

TA DA!!! I got to run today!!! And I feel A...MAZ...ING!!! It's like that old 80's ballad "Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone..."
So, I only ran 2.75 miles... I had every intention of putting down 4-5 miles today, but I think that might have been overly ambitious because after 2 miles, my body was like WTH?? I still kept my miles under 10 minutes, and I know I'll bounce back pretty quick - as long as I don't overdo it.

I seriously cannot describe how good it felt to get back out there - especially with the full support of my doctor. I didn't feel like a teenager sneaking around behind their parents' backs - ahhhh, again back to the 80's... (okay, mid 90's.... but I'm still an 80's child at heart). I feel like a normal human being again - which Paul just cannot comprehend, nor can my employees, but he could definitely see a difference in me when I got home. I'm seriously an evil B without running. I find so many things to nit pick about!! So I know he's relieved to get me out of the house again in the afternoons - even if my runs are short to start with!!!

My Smart Coach from Runner's World has me scheduled to pop off an easy 5 miler tomorrow, so we'll see... Yeah for being back!!!